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➖ aest (UTC +10)
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➖ neurodivergent af
the following is all my platforms you’ll see me on :)
usually under the name 4sherr^^
pls dni if you are 13-, or 20+ (unless close!)
when interacting please try to use tone
indicators & emojis to help me better understand you <3 (ones like /gen, /genq, /nm, /j, /s, /p and /pos help!)
(WARNING) i’m very playfully flirtatious & sexualise a lot, and i swear a lot 😅

MHA - kirishima ejiro

rainbow dash - MLP
i am learning spanish,
but i am an english speaker :3
my fav games are minecraft, roblox and vrchat!
if you wanna know my fav animes, myanimelist is the place to go!
to know me a bit better or laugh at some clips, go to my medal!
for music i love CG5, melanie martinez, glaive,
and destroy boys. here’s my spotify too!